The question you need to ask yourself is this, “if your current partner were to be of the same sex with you, will you be best friends?” Let me put it another way, “if sex were to be removed from your relationship with your partner for the next three years, can you sustain a solid friendship through the period?” Will you really still look forward to spending time together? Will you miss each other?
You know there was an occasion that myself and Iyebiye were talking. Somehow we stumbled around the subject of sex and wanting to taunt me, she said to me that whenever we will be having sex in the future, as soon as we want to board that “flight to Jerusalem”, we must put off the …
So I grew up in a “very christian” home. Those homes where you’re woken every morning for morning devotions at 5am. And those morning devotions were actually Bible schools and correctional homes. All the evil you committed in the previous 24 hours were brought to the open and judged. There is a way the Bible …
TO AVOID TYING YOUR SOUL TO SOMEONE WHO HAS NO PART IN YOUR FUTURE. Now, since someone once asked me what soul-tie meant, It will try and define it quoting a source verbatim since I wholly agree with that source. “Sex is a tridimensional experience: spirit, soul, and body. Anytime you have sex with a …