Yippee, it’s weekend again. TGIF is sweet to say because of the holiday feeling it gives. The excitement of having this ‘sacred’ two days is great. It has been so since ages past. I can remember when I was in primary school, in those days whenever I am going home with my younger brother on a Friday, we tell ourselves all the things we are going to do during the weekend, we rant about how we will do this and that, how we will sleep all day, how we will drink so much water when we get home if we were thirty at the time etc, but the excitement is always short lived. Before we know it, it is Monday again and we have to start the cycle again. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t lazy, but Mathematics could make me wanna skip school. So, the trend has been like that since forever. Now, there are things we must do on weekends like this. If you ever think of maximizing and enjoying the weekend, these are things you should do;
1. Don’t bring work home:
How to enjoy your weekend. How to get the most of your weekend
This has to do with your mindset. If you have it in mind to enjoy the weekend as if it is a vacation, then, you will likely go on weekends without pending jobs. Free your mind to enjoy the weekend. When I was in Secondary school ( Mayflower school, Ikenne), anytime we were to go on mid-term break or vacation, a lot of us deceive ourselves, we pack all our books with the hope that we would read everything before we come back but laughs, reverse was always the case.
Though there were times we had to force ourselves to read because of Welcome tests, the test we write every first day of resumption that formed a part of our continuous assessment. In fact, that was the major motivation for our reading during vacation when we had to. It may be hard to free your mind from pending jobs but it is possible. If you find it nearly impossible because you could have done the jobs earlier during the week, then it is advisable for you to prepare for the weekend from Monday by avoiding procrastination so that you don’t have a backlog at the end of the week.
2. Plan:
How to enjoy your weekend. How to make the most of your weekend.
Just like you plan your week, plan your weekend too. Without a plan you may find it hard to enjoy the best of your weekend. Plan to see a movie, plan to read good books, plan to spend time with your loved ones, plan to check out on friends and family, plan to catch up on profitable skills and pastime too. When you are done with this plan, don’t forget that you will have to plan for the coming week too, so ensure you create time to do that.
3. Review:
How to enjoy your weekend. How to make the most of your weekend.
Review the week that just ended. Compare and contrast what you were able to achieve with what you planned to do earlier. By doing this, you will be able to see what you did right, what you could have been done better, and how to improve. If you were able to achieve some of your goals, celebrate yourself and plan to do more. If not, don’t be depressed about it, make up your mind to do better in the coming week. You can listen to podcasts, listen to things that will inspire you and get ready. To have a better review in the coming week, you can chat with likeminded friends and get inspired to do more. I have enjoyed this and the result is always great. You should try it too.
3. Eat well and Rest well:
How to enjoy your weekend. How to make the most of your weekend.
May I ask you, how was your week? You will likely say it was stressful? You had to meet up some deadline. You woke up early each day etc. Now, it is time to rest. Rest without feeling bad about it. Eat good food too, not junks. Resting and eating healthy will make you strong enough to face the days ahead.
5. Spend Quality time with God:
How to enjoy your weekend. How to make the most of your weekend.
This is not negotiable. As good as it is to spend time with family and friends, don’t neglect having a quality time with God. Get intimate with the Father. There is a peace we can’t get anywhere else but in God’s presence. While planning your weekend, set time aside to do this. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t study your bible or pray during the week. No! In fact, if you don’t spend some time with God daily, it will be hard to spend more time with God on a weekend.
I have no doubt you were blessed reading this. Thanks for reading. You are loved and appreciated. Kindly share and subscribe to the blog too. You are priceless! Have an amazing weekend.
How to make the most of your weekend
This was such a lovely and insightful read. Although for me, weekends are not mine but mainly for God. There are quite a lot of church programs during the week, all that matters to me during the weekend is resting, and doing what I love best, blogging. Perhaps, when I am out of university, I will have more time for my self during the week, I hope so
Thanks for sharing sis, quality time with God keeps you in tune and active for the coming week
That last line is key. Thanks for adding it.Indeed quality time with God keeps us in tune and active for the coming week.
Thanks for reading, dear Sis❤
Thanks for this nuggets…. No backlogs of work and definitely no guilty conscience for waking up late on Saturday….
Yes o. No backlog and no guilty conscience
Thanks for reading, Sis❤
God bless you ma, can’t wait to put these points to use this coming weekend by God’s grace. In truth, spending quality time with God during a weekend in something every child of God must ensure. Grace, Peace and love are multiplied to us when we stay in his presence.
Thanks for reading, dear Sis❤
[…] be reviewing a movie OVERCOMER. Even if you haven’t seen the movie, relax, I got you covered. You must enjoy this weekend. […]
[…] that makes you feel relaxed. You feel a bit relieved of the week’s work and you are ready to enjoy your weekend. Trust me, I love that feeling. How was your week, Fam? Today on BookCrushFriday, we would be […]
[…] for reading. Have a divinely inspired Saturday. I love […]
[…] Dear Reader, thank you for your support. You are loved. See you next week. Have an amazing weekend.😍 […]
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[…] Congrats, Marvellous. Thanks for writing such a powerful story. Thanks for reading, Fam. You rock! Enjoy your weekend […]