Read the previous Chapter HERE
7th July, 2011_
Dave strolled out of the hotel’s lobby dressed casually in a T-shirt, shorts and sneakers. He arrived Benin City that day. He came for his friend’s wedding.
The young man he had met last year in the police cell. The traditional wedding was scheduled to hold on Friday and the white wedding was on Saturday, the day after. But, Dave had come in on Thursday. He had planned his trip to Benin for the wedding as a sort of weekend getaway.
No one looking at Dave now would imagine that he was in a dead state spiritually and emotionally a year ago. After his encounter with God and his reunion with his family, Dave had delved into fulfilling the purpose for which God had saved him. He had received the blueprint during his encounter with Abba but as each day passed, he received more detailed plans from the Holy Spirit.
Dave had shut down ‘D-Den’, much to the chagrin of the Nollywood community and some business associates. As instructed by God, he had refurbished the club and handed it over to his father’s church – Dominating Disciples of Christ International.
He continued in intense study of the word of God and prayer. The change was drastic! Three months after that, he was made a youth pastor in the church. He had accepted immediately because it had been revealed to him long before the church made the offer. Incidentally, the church used the building Dave gave as the Youth Church Headquarters. Dave was back to the building as head. Not D-Den this time, but DDC Youth Church H/Q. He couldn’t have been happier.
The church flourished. More youths trooped in every Sunday to hear God’s word and worship in an atmosphere that was lively and very conducive. The side rooms had been turned to departmental rooms for the choir, protocol and prayer teams.
Dave and Lekan had met and continued their friendship. Once in a while, they visited the police cell together and ministered to those who had been arrested. God had blessed their efforts with some souls.
Two months before, Lekan had invited him to his wedding. It was scheduled to hold in Benin City. Dave had immediately agreed to be there. He cleared his schedule for that week and assigned roles to the assistant pastors. He just had a feeling that something great was to happen in Benin City, something else apart from Lekan’s wedding.
At 11:00am, the plane he boarded landed in Benin. “The ancient city”, he breathed as he looked around. As he entered into the arrival lounge, he saw Lekan and his younger brother waiting for him. He smiled and walked towards them. They all hugged themselves and then, drove to the hotel.
In his hotel room, Dave ate and decided to rest for a while. When he woke up, he arranged a few things, read a portion of Scripture and meditated on it.
At about 02:30pm, he felt restless. “What is it Abba?” He asked again and again. He dressed up and decided to stroll to the mall he saw a few buildings away from the hotel. He knocked on Lekan’s door and informed him of his decision.
“Okay. Take care”, Lekan yawned. “Ade and I want to sleep for a while. We went out with Lisa before.”
“Alright then”, Dave waved slightly and walked towards the elevator. When he got outside, Dave put on his sunglasses and went to the mall. He was still feeling restless. “Holy Spirit, lead me”, he prayed.
“Thank God I came with my ATM Card. I might as well get some souvenirs”, Dave smiled and walked in.
He stayed at the bookstore for a while and pored through the titles. He was always updating his Christian literature library. He later decided to go with one by A. W. Tozer. He turned from the bookshelf to go to the cashier, he bumped into someone and her stuff crashed to the floor.
Dave was about to apologize when the person looked up and the words died on his lips. “Norma?”
Just then, his mind was flooded with memories. He had met her just once. Just one night. But, the memory had lasted for a year. Dave recalled the conversations he had with Abba about her. He remembered her smile. That smile that he always saw in his dreams. He remembered her eyes – big, beautiful eyes that reminded him of his mother.
He might have stood there for a millennium staring into her eyes if she hadn’t spoken.
“Dave?” she breathed softly.
Oh, how long he had waited to hear that voice.
“Norma, it’s really you.” Dave smiled. “Thank You Abba”, he worshipped inwardly. “Thank You for leading me here.”
Chapter Twenty Eight
_7th July, 2011_
Noma could not believe her eyes. She had dreamt of it, wished it and prayed it. But, she never imagined it would happen this way. After almost one year, she was standing in front of Dave!
After her meeting with Mrs. Gladys Okey – her pastor’s wife last year, she had been under her mentorship. Mrs. Gladys had secured a job for Noma at her sister’s school. Noma was the assistant secretary. Her mother still complained of her single status but not so much as before. Noma focused her job and her work at church. Three months earlier, she had embarked on a fast to know God’s mind concerning her husband. She had gotten confirmation from God that Dave was her husband but she had no idea of how to reach him. She decided to leave everything in God’s hands.
Earlier today, her Boss instructed her to go to the mall and get some cleaning supplies for the school. She purchased the items and was about to leave but on her way past the bookstore, she decided to browse through some books when she bumped into him. Dave. Her Dave.
Noma was certain both of them would have stood there staring at each other and smiling shyly if she had not started noticing weird looks from other customers. She gently bent down and began to pick up the items that had fallen to the ground.
Dave joined her.
“Norma”, he called gently as they picked.
She looked at him and pretended as though her heart was not about to burst with excitement.
“We have to see. Somewhere else. Not here”, Dave spoke hurriedly. “But, I’m not letting you leave this time without your phone number”, he continued.
Noma laughed. “Okay”, she agreed as she stood up. They had picked all the items and placed them in the bags. “But first, my name is not Norma.”
Dave blinked, “What?’
“It’s Noma. It’s a Bini name so, the pronunciation is different. The full name is Osarenoma.”
“Wow. Okay”, Dave smiled. “Can I have your number now? You can even add your house address. Anything. I just know that I don’t want to lose you again.”
Noma’s heart constricted slightly and then, beat a little faster. A random thought crossed her mind. “Iye will be so pleased. God has brought me my husband.”
Outwardly, she smiled and called out her digitals. She added her house address too. “Just to be extra sure”, she thought as she walked out of the mall after one last look at the man. Dave.
_10th December, 2011_
Barely six months later, Dave was back to Benin City. This time he was standing at the altar. It was time for another wedding. His wedding.
He smiled and looked up as he waited for his bride.
“Thank You Abba”, he whispered. “I’m the one You found. I was lost but You found me and You gave me Noma – a precious gift. I’m forever grateful Lord. Thank You.”
He looked to his side and smiled at Neil, his best man. Neil had been his first convert when he came out of the prison cell. He was now the protocol director at DDCI Youth Church HQ. Damian had gone to prison for manslaughter and drug trafficking. Dave visited him once in a while and preached to him.
Dave looked at the front row and spied his family. His number 1 supporters. These people had prayed him into an encounter with God. Daniella was sitted with her husband, Dr. Henry Mukoro and her children – Eddie and Elsie. They had flown into Nigeria a week ago. She smiled at him and he returned her smile.
Then, he saw his father – Pastor Daniel. When Dave became a pastor, his mum had joked that they now had two pastors in the family. Dave was proud to be a pastor, just like his father. He looked to his father’s right and saw Divine – his little sister who understood before he did. He was glad to have her. She winked as he caught her eyes. Then, his eyes met his mum’s. He smiled. His mum, always ready to pray for him – he was indeed privileged to have a mother like her. He looked into her eyes again. Those eyes that reminded him of his bride, Noma.
As if on cue, the pianist started the tune, ‘Here comes the Bride’. Everyone stood and turned to the back.
Dave’s heart tightened in his chest. There was his bride. His Noma. She was being led into the hall by her brother. She had lost her father long ago. It seemed Dave could see into the veil and behold those eyes. He remembered when he met her at first and smiled. “Abba, you are such a glorious orchestrator.”
They made their vows and the minister asked Dave to unveil his bride. He did so. One look at her eyes and she took his breath away.
“I hope you’ll be doing this forever”, Dave spoke for her ears alone.
“What?” She whispered demurely.
“Taking my breath away”.
Thank you for following this series. God bless you. Stay tuned as we bring more for you. Lots of love😍🥰
[…] Read the final episode HERE […]