My name is Michael Ajao and I’ll be taking you along in the journey with my best friend’s Grandmother, Mama Awero.
I met Mama Awero few month’s back when Israel’s parents, who are full time Missionary, left him in the care of my family and went on a missionary journey to Togo. This was necessary because we were already in our final year in secondary school.
Israel and I have been friends since he joined my school three years ago when his parents took a break from their missionary journeys to take care of Mama Awero who was sick at that time.
We’ve spent most of the weekends in either of our houses for the past years and this made it easy for Isreal to choose to live with us when his parents decided it was time to return to the mission field.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark gladly agreed with the arrangement but gave a rule that he must spend two weekends every month with Mama Awero so that she would be comforted for their absence.

Every Sunday, whenever we spend the weekend with Mama, which most of the times have been the first and third weekends of the month, Mama would gather us together for Storytime. Israel, Aunty Joyce (Mama’s housekeeper), Uncle Ben, the cook and I, plus you my reader of course sit at Mama’s feet to listen to her wonderful, intriguing and fulfilling life journey before we pray.
Meet me here every Sunday as Mama Awero shares her story with us. One of the gifts of friendship with Israel is this special time with Mama, what are the gifts of friendship you have been privileged to have in life?.
Let me know in your comment below.
Read Episode 1 here
[…] Read the Introductory chapter here […]