Reviews: Books and Movies


Some of my readers are already wondering, what’s going on? Book Crush Friday didn’t go live on the blog yesterday. I apologise and I have decided to make it up to you today. No carry over, Mba! This review has been on my mind for some time now but I have been pushing it, now is the time to Soro soke. (Smiles). How was your week, dear one? Did you miss the previous editions of #BookCrushFriday? Catch up here. The reviews will lighten up your day, I tell you and guess what? Some of the books are free, you will get the links to download them too so don’t miss out. Today, we would be reviewing Surviving Singlehood, a novel by Hephzibah Frances.

When I saw the title, I was like okay okay, I would check it out. It sounded more like a non-fiction but amazingly, it is fiction and that makes it easy to relate with. I love how the character are made to represent what people are going through in the society right now. See this:  

The year Lara clocked 28, Heaven let loose o. You say what? Who clocks 28 unmarried? Who does that? Anyone who tries that in this part of the world will face some pressures. Ghen ghen. Amaka is 29, she’s in love with Laza. Laza must marry her by fire by force o. Abi? Who does wife duties for free in this part of the word? Baba Ijebu has the ‘supposed answer o. Amaka must not be forever single. ‘Twitter pastor’, hmm. My dear, read your bible o, before one ‘Twitter pastor will come and tell you what’s not.


Amaka’s choice led her to sorrow. She forced herself on Lazarus by all means and the outcome wasn’t palatable at all. No matter what, no matter how old you are, don’t attempt to force yourself on a man. You are worth more than you think. You are priceless, you are the one Jesus paid for. Nothing else could be exchanged as value for your life, His life had to go for it. Wow. Let’s continue…

Lara is the main character, she got herself into a big mess because she was in her late twenties and no man seem to be forth coming. Pressure got her into wrong things. Her story is a reminder that we must seek to know God for ourselves. We must know Him and not allow one ‘twitter pastor’ to tell us who God is. Despite the mess she made of herself, God stepped in and cleansed her up till she became a masterpiece. There is actually no life too messy for our God to cleanse and fix, we can always trust and rely on His unfailing love.


Not only did Lara meet God, she learnt what she was supposed to be doing while waiting, she learnt how to wage war with prophecy and how to maintain a sound relationship with God. Intimacy with God is paramount, we are complete in Him. Nene was another character who God used to help Lara stage a comeback to God and this tells us that the people we relate and seek advice from matters. We all should watch out.

I have been mentioning ladies who featured in this short story but this spirit filled novel isn’t limited to ladies, Femi’s story will inspire men out there. You can keep working where God has placed you. God has a “better surprise” for you.

To crown it all, the scripture used by the author struck a chord in me; “They looked to Him and were radiant. And their faces will never be ashamed,-Psalm 34: 5”. God doesn’t forget His words, he fulfills them, no matter what you desire, do not faint, keep trusting. He will come true. For this, I am sure. Hephzibah France answered so many questions that may be lurking around in peoples’ heart especially singles. You know when you see pre wedding pictures and you are like; God when? This short story will go a long way to answer you God when questions..

“My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips”- Psalms 89:34

In all, it was a nice read. Thanks to Hephzibah Frances for writing such a book, you can contact her here to get your copy at a token. It can be given out a gifts. You can also get a free copy of Eniola, one of her books here. If you would like to buy from Amazon, get it here.

Are you a Christian author? Would you like me to review your book on #BookCrushFriday? Send me an email here. Terms and conditions apply.

Thanks for reading. Have a divinely inspired Saturday. I love you.


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About Author

Hello there,

I am Bolanle Temidayo Ogunleye, a Lawyer, a Christian Blogger and an author of two Amazon bestsellers- Love Beyond Words and Priceless.

Some of my readers know me by my pen name-TemidayoRiches.

I love writing. My writings will inspire you towards a closer walk with God.

Stay glued as I inspire you to live your best life.

Thank you!

(3) Comments

  1. Olonade John says:

    Great piece, dear!



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