In a few hours, you will be in a distant land in service of the fatherland. I know it’s a time you eagerly expected and truly, you should be excited with the thoughts of adventure and being of special status. You will sow less of ankara once khaki becomes one with your skin. Trust me; you will enjoy the respect the cloth accords you. You will have opportunities to put into use the deposits you’ve garnered through the years and be an influence in your PPA and community.
Now, you are going to a land you’ve never been to. For a year you will be in a culture that’s different from ours. Here are a few thoughts I’d like to share:
1. The spirit world
God knows where we’ll be at various times in life and as such he prepares us in advance. In his foreknowledge he knows about the people we’ll interact with, and the kind of spirit at work in various villages, towns and cities. You know from the scripture about the spirit of the air that works in the children of disobedience. There are patterns that these spirits influence over communities which are easily noticeable in people of particular locations. For instance, during my service year, in a city M, in one of my outings with some church folks, we entered into a street KS. Immediately we passed through the entrance, something was unusual. The atmosphere was messy. It was then my friend expounded to me the teenage pregnancy, addictions and perversions that were characteristic of that area. Co-heir, never lose the consciousness that you are a light in a dark world of desperation. You are a missionary in the land. You are under the auspices of God’s Kingdom. You have an assignment of establishing and exercising the Father’s Kingdom here on earth. Greater is He that lives in you than he that is in the world. Preach the Word, cast out devils and heal the sick.
2. Finances.
I strongly wish the allawee would increase. A common grumble during service year is how meagre the “nineteen eight” seems. Being frugal is good but the increase does not come by starving oneself. An increase comes from investing. Invest in acquiring profitable skills and put into use your earned skill. Your stream of income need not only be the monthly allawee. God himself knows that a single stream is not enough for man. Hence, in the garden, he allowed four streams to nourish man.
Nineteen-eight isn’t too small to practice savings with. Choose a fraction that is convenient with you and save. Be disciplined in the use of money. Above all, honour the Lord in your finances. Many find every excuse not to give in church. They speak evil of tithing and offerings but what God demands from us as people of the New Covenant is our all. Yes. God wants everything! The culture of the disciples in Acts was that of giving all. Giving is a form of worship. It connotes putting God first and acknowledging him as the Sovereign.
3. Health
You know that the Spirit of Him that raised the Lord from the dead that resides in you is able to give life to your flesh. I have as a testimony that throughout my service year, I had a record of no drugs. The only time I visited the hospital was during a visit to pray for my landlord’s beautiful daughter. The word of the Lord is true. You know your Bible where it says “he that desire to see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil”. I kept my confessions.
Also, be practical. I wish I could be there when you sleep to put you in a blanket. Anyway, don’t forget to protect your chest against the cold. Keep yourself warm when it’s cold. Eat well and have fewer junks because you will need strength for work and good immunity. Fasting also helps keep the body in order. And when necessary, please seek medical attention. It is God’s will for you to prosper in health as your soul prospers.
4. Relationships.
God will allow people across your path as you journey through life. A relationship is vital and it can make or mar. Through the service year, many become lifelong friends. Many meet marriage partners and some also miss it in destiny. In this regard, everyone makes a choice of who to allow and who not to. Your life has always been a joy to me because you’ve learnt to walk in love amidst kindly friends and foes. During the service year, I met with friends that prepared ways into ministries for me. From another friend, I learnt free of charge a skill that earned me money a few months later. In this regard, I believe you have an auction from the holy one and you know all things.
“Therefore, my love, be steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as you know, your labour is not in vain in the Lord”. No matter how far you go, my daily thought of you will always gladden my heart. I will always love you. I hope to hear of your exploits and excitements.
…Stirring up the divine.